Curb Appeal
I didn't get a good before picture. What I remember is that on a rainy day it was hard to get into the house without getting wet, because the two big shrubs on either side of the door were so overgrown your shoulders would brush against them. In this photo they are already mostly gone. You see some of the branches in the foreground.
Here's another picture of some of the shrubs and the tree that were removed.
The house got a new roof, siding and shutters last year.
Kevin inspecting the problem on the roof. See the ivy and leaves under the window.
So many people helped out here, including most of Kevin's family.
The men got called out to help with the stump-removal.
Beth and Kevin brought lots of tools from Virginia, including those pictured here. Dale is getting rid of plants crowding out the rose.
Zofia and Dale working on the stumps; Kathy, Beth and Maureen cleaning up. The photos with date stamps are the ones Vicky sent me.
Kevin and Dale got all the fun jobs.
You can see it was hard keeping the McCoy men on the ground.
Vicky attacking that tree once it was on the ground. See the huge pile of branches out by the street?
Two new shrubs and one tree were planted.
Kathy painted the front door a cheery red.
So here's what it looked like after all that work.
Unbelievably, all the branches were picked up by the city the morning after they were cut down.
Kathy and Leslie. Leslie came up for Sunday afternoon. She even brought Cole, but from what I could tell, he wasn't much help. I even saw him sleeping in the back room, but I didn't want to say anything. He is family, after all.
The back yard was cleaned up also. Here you see the patio before it was cleaned and the back door with broken handle.
Heidi working on preparing the back door for painting. The deck and pavers have already been power washed.
The back patio after the door was painted, the broken handle on the screen door replaced. the light fixture reinstalled and the mulch applied.
The mulch was even spread out behind the back bedroom. In a week or so there will be daffodils blooming here.
Even this door to the shed got a fresh coat of paint.
And here is some of the trash and recycling that was hauled out to the street and removed. There is room in the garage now to park a car!!!
Oh also, the house has gutters now. It just happened that the neighbors had installed new white gutters on their house, but they didn't want white, so we got very slightly used gutters that were removed from their house and installed here. I saw them almost finished, but it was getting dark by the time they were done, so I didn't get pictures.
And here are a few more pictures that Vicky sent me.
McCoys: Teresa, Kathy(Kraus), Maureen, John
Beth and Ceci
Heidi and Maureen
Thanks for looking, and Vicky, thanks for the new pictures!