Ceci's Web Pages.....

What's new in 2012?

What's New this year?
Trip Tracks
House and Garden

We went around the world starting January 2, 2012 and getting back home on February 17th.  During that trip I updated my blog, but didn't create any new pages here.  My blog can be found at http://parisianautumn.blogspot.com

We visited China, Japan, India and Turkey on that trip.

We are spending a month at home and will be heading over to Normandy, France to spend some time this spring and summer in our home in Normandy. 

The Norman town of Domfront - in front of the church

Last fall I did add some web pages with pictures of Normandy. Those pages are the follow:

Why buy in Normandy? Villages and towns in Normandy

Walking in the countryside:  Walks

Two private manor homes:  Chateaux

Two bike rides in Normandy: Bike rides

Hopefully, I'll add more pictures of Normandy in the springtime.  Watch this space.